徵稿通告Call for Paper




Journal of Indigenous Counseling Psychology




1.本刊自2021年01月01日起,投稿格式請參照 APA論文寫作格式第七版
Starting from January 1, 2021, the submission format of this journal shall refer to the seventh edition of APA publication Manual.
This journal will be changed to a bilingual journal in Chinese and English starting from September 2023 (Volume 14, Issue 3)


徵稿通告 Call for Paper


    本土諮商心理學學刊」由國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系本土諮商心理學研究發展中心、世界本土諮商心理學推動聯盟與台灣心理諮商資訊網共同出版暨發行,採學刊與電子形式出刊。本學刊以發表心理衛生、輔導、諮商心理、臨床心理、復健諮商、社會工作、精神醫學、精神護理、職能治療、語言治療、特殊教育、員工協助方案等與助人專業相關學科之本土化學術專論與實務專論為主,包括:量化、質性或質量整合的實徵研究empirical research)、綜論性文章(review essay)以及個案研究等(不同文章類型稿件適用不同之審查標準)。本學刊採雙匿名審查制度,發行主要目的在於增進心理諮商與助人相關專業之學術交流、提昇學術研究風氣,希望透過本學刊的平臺,能結合更多的華人與華文使用者,善用華人語言與華人文化的特色,做出更多更好的學術探討與研究,為增進與亞洲地區專業人員及國際的交流,我們也提供英文的標題與摘要,同時也接受英文的稿件,我們期待能跨越國際推動含攝文化(Culture Inclusive) 與本土化的研究風氣。


I. Purport

    Journal of Indigenous Counseling is a scholarly, electronic journal published quarterly by Center for Indigenous Counseling Psychology, Department of Guidance & Counseling, National Changhua University of Education, World Indigenous Counseling Psychology Alliance and Taiwan Counseling Net in Taiwan. The journal publishes contributions on many topics, such asguidance, counseling psychology, clinical psychology, rehabilitation, counseling, social work, psychiatry, mental health, Psychiatric nursing, occupational therapy, speech-language therapy, special education, employee assistance programs, etc. Our purpose is to represent the achievements of the academic research, enhance the indigenous and culture-inclusive research of counseling, and advance the transnational and interdisciplinary academic development and communication. We welcome previously unpublished empirical and review papers. Journal of Indigenous Counseling Psychology publishes papers in the areas of:

  1. Academic monograph, including empirical research, review essay, theory or skill about mental health, guidance, counseling psychology, clinical psychology, rehabilitation counseling, social work, psychiatry, psychiatric nursing, occupational therapy, speech-language therapy, special education.

  2. Practical monograph, including method or strategy in practical experiences, program design and practice.




  本刊歡迎海內外中英文稿件,中文稿件以正體、簡體投稿皆可。來稿請參考「美國心理學會出版手冊」第七版 (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed.規定體例,每篇以兩萬字以內為原則。請勿一稿兩投。稿件內容依序包括下列各項:(有關作者個人之相關資料,僅能於作者基本資料表中呈現)









   含論文題目、摘要本文及關鍵詞(以不超過5個為原則)。 為助於與國際學者交流,摘要本文請不少於500,並以800字以內為原則 (自第九卷第一期適用)。



  文稿格式、符號、標題、數字、圖表、引用書目及參考文獻等撰稿體例請參閱本學刊投稿論文格式與本學刊之內容,或依照「美國心理學會出版手冊」第七版Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed.規定(文稿格式不符者,本學刊將退回給作者,修正後歡迎再投稿)。



2.本刊自2012年起,整合《全球心理衛生E學刊》(Global Mental Health E-Journal)



II. Manuscript Preparation      

    Submission must include a title page, the submitted manuscript, two copies of Publication Form. Submitted manuscripts must be written in the style outlined in the Publication Format of Journal of Indigenous Counseling Psychology and the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition). Any inconsistence with the format requirements will result in return of manuscripts. The authors are encouraged to correct the format and resubmit. All manuscripts must have Chinese and English abstracts both containing a maximum of 300 words (1,500 to 2,000 characters) typed in a separate page. Up to five keywords or brief expressions can be supplied with the abstract. A manuscript (including tables, figures, and both abstracts) should be limited to 20,000 Chinese words or 10,000 English words. If manuscripts have been presented in conferences, have sponsors, or are adaptations of academic degree theses, it should be addressed in cover letters.

    The template of title page and Copyright Authorization Form can be found at http://jicp.heart.net.tw/. All the identifying information of the authors should only appear on cover letters not on the title page. All authors must submit two copies of completed Copyright Authorization Form.

  Manuscripts must be single-spaced and typeset in 12-point word size and printed on one side only of A4 paper with page numbers. Each page has 38 lines and each line with 35 Chinese words (not applicable if written in English.) There should be no line spacing between paragraphs. The author must supply all submitted materials in Word files (Word 98 or above).









III. Publication Policies

  Upon acceptance for publication, the Department of Guidance and Counseling at the National Changhua University of Education has the right to:

  1. Publish the accepted manuscript in printed or electronic version

  2. Provide the accepted manuscript to commercial online databases for electronically storage, reproduction, offering access to read, download, or print.

  3. llow the National Library or other database services to provide accepted manuscripts to their users..

  4. Make editorial change in accepted manuscripts tailored to different format requirements of various database services.





IV. Review Process

  Upon receipt of the manuscripts, the manuscript will be evaluated by the Chief Editor to ensure the manuscript content fit for the purpose of the journal. Then, the Editorial Board recommends two experts as reviewers to undergo a masked review process. Reviewer comments will be forwarded to the authors.



  本季刊採常年徵稿、先到先審制。請將稿件以電子郵件寄至jicpheart@gmail.com,註明「投稿本土諮商心理學學刊」。著作權授權同意書,可擇一方式寄發,但以電子檔為佳(1)電子檔:列印紙本簽名後掃描成電子檔,或將個人簽名以圖檔插入著作權同意書電子檔,再將成果直接寄至刊物信箱;或 (2)紙本:寄至50007彰化市進德路1號國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系轉「本土諮商心理學學刊」編輯委員會收,或傳真至 (04)-7276542


V. Submission

  Submissions are accepted at all times. A review process starts shortly after receipt. Submission materials must include a title page, three copies of the manuscript, copies of completed Copyright Authorization Form (each author with two copies completed) and with all the submitted materials. Please send all materials to:

Attn. Editorial Board of Journal of Indigenous Counseling Psychology,

Department of Guidance & Counseling,
National Changhua University of Education, No. 1, Ji-De Road,
Changhua City 50007, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel:886-4-723-2105 Ext.2220
E-mail: [email protected]



參考不同 文章類型稿件適用不同之審查標準


VI. Review criteria

Refer to difrrerent article formats for different review criteria


七、專題徵稿 (VII.  Call for Paper of Special Issue)


This journal has been promoting indigenous academic research in professional fields related to helping people for a long time. In addition to focusing on constructing scholarly monographs and practical work with cultural perspectives, this journal also pays attention to current international development trends and significant issues. Therefore, we are preparing for various special issues; we now announce the call for contributions for special issues. Scholars and practitioners in various professional fields are welcome to contribute actively to strengthen the foundation of indigenous academic research and enhance international academic exchange.


Epidemic and Counseling (Editor: Chih-Hung Wang)



Online Counseling (Editor: Chih-Hung Wang)



The Indigenization of Counseling in Japan (Editors: Moorihiro Okada & Reiko Yoshikawa)


Located in the Asian region, Japan possesses profound oriental traditions and is a country that introduced Western culture early in modern times. Modern psychology in Japan has gradually developed psychotherapy with characteristics of ethnicity and religion, based on the systems provided in Germany and the United States. Society is under the trend of globalization, aging, digitization, and the post-pandemic era. Considering society's needs and applying them to schools, enterprises, and medical-related fields in response to social needs is a critical issue. In light of this, our journal specially invites two Japanese scholars to be the editors of the special issue and solicits papers on the topic of indigenization of counseling in Japan.
We're looking forward to more exchanges, learning, and inspiration through the experiences or observations of Japanese scholars. Special on the topic of localization, indigenization of cultural fusion, and indigenization of cultural inheritance in counseling and psychotherapy.
Localized Practice and Reflection of Play Therapy (Editor: Tsung-Chain Huang)
Professional Practice of Mindfulness in Taiwan (Editor: Sheng-Fa Chuang)
Application of Emerging Technology in Education and Counseling (Editor: Chih-Hung Wang)
The Indigenization of Counseling in Malaysia (Editor: Joo-Siang Tan)


♥歡迎海內外中英文稿件,中文稿件以繁體、簡體投稿皆可。來稿請參考「美國心理學會出版手冊」第七版體例,每篇以2 萬字以內為原則。請勿一稿兩投。相關投稿細節請參閱學刊網站或上方徵稿通告。

Chinese and English manuscripts from home and abroad are welcome. Chinese manuscripts can be submitted in traditional or simplified characters. Please refer to the style of "Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed." for manuscripts. The principle is that each article should be within 20,000 Chinese words or 10,000 English words. Based on academic ethics, please do  not submit manuscripts that have already been submitted to other journals. Please refer to the journal website or the call for papers above for details of submission.


  本學刊之專題投稿格式與說明,請參見此頁面 三、稿件格式」與投稿格式



電話:(04)723-2105 #2220 TEL:886-4-723-2105-2220    EMAIL: jicpheart@gmail.com


本土諮商心理學學刊(Journal of Indigenous Counseling Psychology