刊物介紹Journal Introduction



Journal of Indigenous Counseling Psychology



   1.本刊自2021年01月01日起,投稿格式請參照 APA論文寫作格式第七版
Starting from January 1, 2021, the submission format of this journal shall refer to the seventh edition of APA publication Manual.

    2.本刊自2023年09月份(14卷第3期)起,改為中英文雙語期刊。This journal will be changed to a bilingual journal in Chinese and English starting from September 2023 (Volume 14, Issue 3)


  「本土諮商心理學學刊」由國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系本土諮商心理學研究發展中心世界本土諮商心理學推動聯盟台灣心理諮商資訊網共同出版暨發行,採季刊與電子形式出刊。本學刊以推動本土化研究 為職志,刊登有關輔導、諮商心理、員工協助方案、復健諮商、社會工作、臨床心理、精神醫療、精神護理、職能治療、語言治療、特殊教育、心理衛生等與助人專業相關學科之學術專論與實務專論為主,本土化之研究成果尤為鼓勵,包括:量化、質性或質量整合的實徵研究(empirical research)、綜論性與理論建構之文章(review essay)以及個案研究等(不同文章類型稿件適用不同之審查標準)。本季刊採雙匿名審查制度,發行主要目的在於增進心理諮商與助人相關專業之學術交流、提昇學術研究風氣。

      The Journal of Indigenous Counseling Psychology (JICP) is jointly published and distributed by Center of Indigenous Counseling Psychology (CICP) of National Changhua University of Education, Word Indigenous Counseling Psychology Alliance (WICPA), and Taiwan Counseling Net (TCNet). JICP publishes in quarterly and electronic formats. This academic journal is dedicated to promoting Indigenous research and publishing information of academic monographs and practical monographs related to mental health and other related mainstream disciplines, like counseling, counseling psychology, employee assistance programs, rehabilitation counseling, social work, clinical psychology, clinical psychiatric, psychiatric care, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and special education.  Indigenous research results are particularly encouraged, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research empirical research, comprehensiveness /theory constructed articles (review essay), and case studies (different review standards apply to manuscripts of different article types). This quarterly journal adopts a double-blind peer review approach. The primary purpose of the publication is to enhance the academic exchanges of psychological counseling and other related professions, meanwhile, enhance the academic research atmosphere.


      I hope that this quarterly platform can recruit more Indigenous counseling psychology and other relevant scholars in the field to promote the integration of Indigenous cultures into academic and practical research in counseling psychology and other related professions. We look forward to being able to go international to promote the indigenization of counseling and related help professionals all over the world.

          本刊歡迎海內外中英文稿件。由於本刊以中英文雙語出刊,來稿時中文參考文獻須附有完整之英文翻譯版本,中文之圖表亦須另以附錄方式附有完整之英文版本,寫作格式請參考「美國心理學會出版手冊」第七版(Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed.)與本刊之編輯體例,每篇文字以 2萬字為限。請勿一稿兩投。 相關投稿細節請參閱徵稿通告之說明。

      This journal welcomes domestic and foreign manuscripts in Mandarin and English. For manuscripts, please refer to the "Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed.". Each article is based on the principle of 20,000 words or less. Please do not submit one manuscript to two journals. For details of submission, please refer to the description of the “call for papers”.


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本土諮商心理學學刊(Journal of Indigenous Counseling Psychology